The Association's work is coordinated by a board consisting of nine people, with representation from all over the country. Everyone on the board is an active educator from both the private and public side. The Board's assignments are formulated based on the members' needs and wishes, which are communicated at national member meetings, in regional networks and through the Association's website.

Education and Memberships

The Vocational College Association (YHF) conducts education over seven days, and 2-4 months. In some of the seven training sessions, staff from Myndigheten för Yrkeshögskolan (MYH) participate. The education leads to a diploma as a Teacher within Vocational Colleges.

The membership certificates and diplomas are issued by the Vocational College Association (YHF) with the help of TRUE's technology for secure digital documents. As a member of the YHF, you are offered a network education providers, and you receive an invitation to the YH-Forum twice a year.

See diplomas and membership-certificates here: